Positive Choices

Anxiety and Depression.  A faith-based approach

Exercise, Law of Life


Week one – no alcohol, meaning and purpose in life.

Week two – limit sugar and processed foods, positive mental input

Week three – light/sunshine, the Law of Speech

Speak and act consistent with your faith and not your feelings.


Man trying to commit suicide by running.

Elise Zuke – depression struggles

3 days a week exercise

Nathan W – Running gave him his life back

Duke University – 150 patients with moderate depression

41% complete remission of depression.

85-90% response rate

at 3 months – exercise and medication same benefit

Extend study to 12 months

90% response – exercise alone

medication or medication and exercise about 60% response

American Psychiatric Association – exercise is option for first line treatment.


Subgenus Anterior Cingulate Gyrus

Area we experience depression/pleasure/satisfaction

People who do not exercise lose neurons in this area.

Hippocampus, Caudate Nucleus, Thalamus

Hippocampus – memory, emotions

exercisers gained brain volume in this area


When the mice exercised, the levels increased.

Produced in locus ceruleus, solitary nucleus, caudal ventrolateral nucleus.  Carried throughout brain.

Important for attentiveness

Emotions, sleep and dreaming.

Venlafaxine raises norepinephrine.

5HIAA – Serotonin

When the mice exercised, the levels increased.

So exercise not only increases positive brain hormone levels, but it also increases volume of brain in positive areas.


Start with 5 minutes walking or elliptical

Goal is 15-30 minutes most days of the week.


(220 – age)x 80% = target heart rate for exercise

age 80 = 112

age 70 = 120

age 60 = 128

age 50 = 136

(Stretching not helpful.)

Mental Health Topic

Wallace Hume Carothers

Professor at Harvard

Dupont chemical research division



50 patents

Most brilliant chemists ever

Age 41 – suicide

Buckminster Fuller

Failed to graduate from Harvard

US Navy

Age 32 penniless – wondering if he should end his life

Made decision “To discuss what a little known penniless individual can do to better humanity.”

The next year made first patent.

Geodesic dome

Nomination for Nobel Prize

Altruism, Happiness, and Health: It’s good to be good – 2005

Retirees – those who volunteered – fewer symptoms of depression, anxiety, greater satisfaction with life.

2003 – 260 members of Presbyterian church

Less anxiety and depression with giving and receiving help.  Giving significantly better

127 housewives – longevity 

Those who did not belong to volunteer organization – 52% had major life event

Those who did volunteer – only 36% had major life event.  (heart attack, stroke, cancer diagnosis)

Brown, Nesse at the University of Michigan

423 couples.  Next 5 years 134 people died.

Reduced risk (0.54- about half) of dying in those who gave health care to spouses, friends, or neighbors.

2x increased risk of dying in those who did not give help.

Japan – more assistance to others – own physical health in good condition

Law of Life

2 Corinthians 5:14-15

He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but live for Him who died for them.

Solomon – Everything was “all vanity”.  (He lived for himself)

Elijah – 1 Kings 17:1-6 

Widow fed him.  God didn’t need her food.  She needed God’s help.

Her helping Elijah – was God’s method of helping her.

Cuban pastoral couple

Invite guests home – always.

God gave them enough food until they got their new ration cards.

People in Stalingrad – sent kids college fund money.

God solved all our financial and legal problems.

When we use what we have to help others, God uses the situation to help us.

Be intentional

Schedule extra tie for emergencies when driving.

Try saving money so you have something to help someone else.

Think about the welfare of others higher than yourself.