Positive Choices

Anxiety and Depression.  A faith-based approach

Nutrition and Positive Mental Input

By Beholding We Become Changed


Goal is mental health with meaning and purpose.


Frontal lobe – judgement

Prefrontal cortex – consciousness 

Temporal lobe – emotions

Parietal lobe – sensory and motor

Occipital lobe – vision

Amygdala – fear

Subglossal subcallosal gyrus – improves mood and sleep, decreases anxiety

Insula – modulates pain, anger, fear, and sadness

Take care of your brain, because it is who you are.

Synapses – we have power of choice, because we can change pathways.

If change neurotransmitter —> change pathway

Associative pathways – modify what happens in the synapse

Can affect presynaptic neuron, postsynaptic neuron, or synapse itself

These are choices we can make

Neurotransmitter – Serotonin

Derivative of tryptophan

Produced in brainstem – pons, midbrain, median Raphe nuclei

Affects anxiety, happiness, mood, libido

Low levels associated with depression

Tryptophan is amino acid.

Dependent on food intake.

Can affect serotonin level with diet.  High protein can deplete serotonin.

Healthy levels with eating plant proteins, complex carbohydrates, legumes

Harvard Health Letter – premium fuel.   Refined sugar and processed food is harmful.

Plant based diet – more antioxidants

AHS – better diet, better mental health scores

Mediterranean diet – 25-35% lower risk of depression

University UK – sweets, cookies, snacks and fast foods – highest depression scores, highest perceived stress.

University in UAE – PMS, worse with high calorie, fat, sugar, and salt

Protective with fruit, non-starchy vegetables, high in fiber, phytochemicals, and antioxidants

How to increase serotonin without medication – study from Montreal

Serotonin levels changed with thinking positive or negative – using actors

Measured using labeled tryptophan

The Law of the Mind

Genesis 1:27

Created in God’s image

2 Corinthians 3:18 – By beholding the glory of the Lord we are being changed into the same image.


TV viewing – tracked 17 years, over 3 hours/day – much more likely to commit violent assaults.

Univ of Michigan – tracked 15 years – exposure to media violence predicted aggressive behavior

Violent video game – more hostile, more arguments, poorly in school

Rand Corporation – TV sex – top 90% double sexual activity compared to bottom 10% 

AAP, AMA, AA child psychiatry – harmful.  – evidence “overwhelming”

Violent or aggressive behavior, sexual activity, obesity, poor body image, and decreased school performance – affected by TV watching.

William Randolph Hearst

News is something somebody doesn’t want printed; all else is advertising.

Citizen Kane

Standard fare for news today.

Oscar Heinrich

Sharing positive stories.  The gospel and Christ’s power to change lives.

1 Corinthians 15:49.  And just as we have borne the likeness of the earthly man, so shall we bear the likeness of the man from heaven.

Philippians 4:8  Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things.


Limit sugar containing foods, replace with fruits and vegetables

Avoid negative input – no news this week. Replace with positive stories/media.